8:00 - 16:30 (gmt +7)
The Institute is a big licensed educational center to provide graduate education to residents and Ph.D. students in such fields as Traumatology and Orthopedics; Neurosurgery; Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. We also deliver professional training in the abovementioned fields to surgeons from Russia and the CIS countries.
One of the important issues the Institute addresses their educational efforts to is training specialists to deliver high-tech medical treatment to patients in accord with international standards. This approach allows us to cooperate with world-renown experts and carry out scientific conferences, seminars and masterclasses.
Our innovative approach to education that includes interactive classes in an accreditation and simulation center, wide use of computer-based technologies, practical studies and modeling of typical emergency situations using high-tech simulation equipment significantly increases the effectiveness of educational activities.
The institute houses a dissertation council to defend Ph.D and doctor theses in the fields of Traumatology and Orthopedics and Neurosurgery.
Since the year 2004, the Institute has been issuing Spinal Surgery, a scientific journal enlisted by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles for publishing the conceptual issues of dissertation researches. All these factors set up conditions for further development of Siberian scientific schools and enable us to shape up a new generation of scientists and clinicians in the fields of traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery.
The Institute is deeply involved in innovative healthcare development, concentrating on the implementation of state-of-the-art approaches in healthcare management. For the time being, we have shifted from the quality management system to one ensuring sustainable development of all our medical facilities. The Institute keeps developing as an organization and has recently opened a new division in Leninsk-Kyznetsky (Kemerovo Region). Currently, we have been working to put up an information service for all kinds of orthopedic patients that will enable us to manage effectively the most severe of them.
The professional and social activities of the Institute’s personnel have paid off and showcased itself in better orthopedical assistance and faster social and economic development of the Novosibirsk Region, Siberian Federal District and other regions of the Russian Federation.